Thursday, February 13, 2025


The days pass

Like judges in solemn robes

Ominous and obscene 

John A. Youril (2021)


Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Three seasons have passed since I last traveled these gloomy roads
A new winter embraces the world in its silent yearnings
With each mile my limbs grow weaker, my breath heavier, my vision darker.

My last pilgrimage to where I left you
Deep in far mountains, too far now for my failing body to reach.
For all eternity you were with me
But now even eternity has betrayed us
Even more than death betrayed us

My heart is becoming one silence with your heart
Still and forever apart.

John A. Youril (2023)


In the cold twilight
When your eyes become one with the clouds and the stars
And my still breath settles in your unbeating heart
Still we dream
Dreaming of our dreaming.

John A. Youril (2023)
